"If you are experiencing writers block, please press 1 now..."

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Danger: Sinking Mud

I've made a lot of headway with Asterisk on OS X over the past couple of weekends (the only time I seem to find to work on personal projects of late).

The collection of applications I've finally gotten around to writing is a rather hodge-podge lot. None of them really have anything in common, other than they are telephone-based and I am writing them.

Which leads to my dilemma: what's the best way to present a main menu? Should I do synthesized speech (I quite like the Cepstral voices I purchased) for consistancy, or would it be better to record a real persons voice? If so, then who? (Certainly not my own; like many people I don't particularly care for the sound of my own voice...)

And regardless of whether I record someone speaking, or use the computer, I need something that won't bore the people who call (who admittedly will all likely be calling just as a personal favor). Yet whatever the menu is, it needs to explain things well enough that they know what option(s) they want to choose.

And so I feel stuck, going back and forth between ideas and approaches; and through it all I have yet to unleash my telephone applications on my unsuspecting friends & family. (Maybe they'd prefer it that way? ;-)

—Michael A. Cleverly


vietlon: [ mail | www | link ]

Thank You Very Much

Sat, 29 Jul 2023, 20:56

123 huay: [ mail | www | link ]

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Tue, 19 Sep 2023, 22:51

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