Online again at our new house with new Apple equipment
We have internet access again—Shauna called Comcast and told them we really did want to be their customer since they hadn't ever responded to our online order.

I purchased a Mac Mini last Saturday which I intend to use as a new firewall since it will run silent (the antithesis of our old P-133 firewall). I plan on installing the macppc port of OpenBSD on it. I haven't configured it yet since being on call after hours for work (something I get to do every five to six weeks) did not seem like the wisest time to be making firewall changes.
I also purchased a second Mac Mini to use as an Asterisk server for developing telephony applications. And I picked up a closeout 1.9 GHz G5 17" iMac for only $1,100 to serve as a new family computer. ...And an Airport Extreme base station. ...And the family-pack upgrade of OS X 10.4 (Tiger) for my laptop & Shauna's old iMac.
My new Apple equipment goes along quite nicely with Shauna's new furniture, at only half the cost! ;-)
—Michael A. Cleverly
Sunday, January 22, 2006 at 18:23
Wed, 27 Sep 2023, 10:59