My two bits on the Utah Commemorative Quarter

The Utah Arts Council has an online survey where you can cast your vote between the three designs (Winter Sports, Beehive, and Golden Spike) that are up for consideration:
The period for open comments on Utah's Commemorative Quarter designs is now open! This survey will be available through May 8th for your suggestions. The final design selection will be made by Governor Huntsman and announced to the public in mid-May.
Interestingly, an earlier version of the survey page read (emphasis added):
The period for open comments on Utah's Commemorative Quarter designs is now open! This survey will be available through May 8th for your suggestions. The final design selection will be made by Governor Huntsman and announced to the public May 10th.
I agree with Matt that a May 10th announcement by Governor Huntsman strongly implies the Golden Spike design will be the winner. (Hope so! It's the one I voted for :-)
—Michael A. Cleverly
Wednesday, April 19, 2006 at 19:30
Fri, 13 Oct 2023, 02:15