Apparently I'm a nerd
Will Duquette (a fellow Tcl'er I first met at the 9th Annual Tcl/Tk Conference in Vancouver, British Columbia in 2002) is nerdier than 78% of all people.
I took the same test and found out that I'm nerdier than 80% of all people. I'm not sure exactly how I feel about that...
—Michael A. Cleverly
Tuesday, January 04, 2005 at 19:19
%BFDebes hacer tr%E1mites digitales y no sabes c%F3mo? Muchos procedimientos del pa%EDs, se suelen hacer por internet, pero no todos saben c%F3mo. Por eso, es bueno tener una gu%EDa antes de hacerlos. Te invito a visitar Infocolombia, un sitio web dedicado a los tr%E1mites y gestiones digitales de Colombia. [url=][/url]
Sun, 14 Jun 2020, 07:02