Will's first slide made people laugh—
This presentation contains C++ snippets of a graphic nature.
Viewer discretion is advised.
Thought of the day: SQLite rocks.
Also JPL looking to hire someone good. Contact Will for more information.
Army did not expect it to be delivarable in < a year, but Tcl made it more than possible.
HLA/RTI born because "Your ground sim won't play nicely with my air sim!"
Early efforts: ALSP (Aggregate Level Simulation Protocol or "A Little Slower Please"). DIS (Distributed Interactive Simulation, still in use). Military thinkers decided "We need a Run-Time Infrastructure that supports our High Level Architecture". HLA/RTI was born.
Fom-o-rama (when you get together with other federates to decide the FOM—Federation Object Model).
JNEM all exceptions handled by bgerror (with stack traces to the debugging log). Users astounded that JNEM never crashes.
Examples of very verbose C++ code contrasted with their much more brief (and readable) Tcl equivalents.
Created a Snit rtiproxy object to avoid these deficienciences. Provides a heirarchial command set (like the [text] and [canvas] widgets). Tk man pages are automatically outline oriented. Snit makes it easier to create simillar structures. Slides showing difference between rti and rtiproxy calls.
JNEM is the sexiest simulation the Army has seen. Has had nine federations want JNEM to join them.
Got permission from project sponsor on Tuesday to open source
the rti(n) Tcl extension being described in the paper.
Will work through JPL procedures to do so in the near future.
—Michael A. Cleverly
Thursday, October 12, 2006 at 09:54
I've updated the last paragraph to note that the antecedent of the "it" was meant to be the rti(n) Tcl extension (and not the JNEM simulation itself, which is obviously proprietary and highly specific to the Army).
My notes as originally written (in realtime) could have been read to make it sound like the entirety of JNEM would be open-sourced. This is not the case (and not what Will said or implied during his talk) and I apologize for any confusion otherwise.