Turning to the darkside

I saw Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith this afternoon. Our management at work rented a theater for our department to watch the movie this evening at 5:30pm.

I couldn't attend, because Meghan had her 2nd grade program at 7:00pm. Luckily there were some people who'd gotten tickets to go to a private Microsoft Events showing at 1:30pm. I swapped tickets and went in the afternoon.

Watching Anakin Skywalker turn to the darkside on Microsoft's dime somehow seemed rather apropos. I wore my GNU t-shirt as protection from the darkside... ;-) Speaking of Microsoft Darkside, Microsoft's home page turns up in position #9 on Google when you search for that term today.

As to the movie: it was far better than the other two prequels. You know essentially what has to happen going in, but by and large I thought Lucas did a good job showing the internal angst that Anakin went through. Though I do agree with Ben that the transition from "oh no! what have I done!" to "yes my master" in three seconds was too abrupt.

—Michael A. Cleverly

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