Tabs I've had open for reading...

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I've had the following links open in my browser for a while now. Now it is time to upgrade to a new version and sharing them seems to be the easiest way not to lose them...

Fascinating reading online at The Library of Congresses' American Memory collection:

  1. The Diary of Horatio Nelson Taft: Diary of an examiner in the U.S. Patent Office during the Civil War. Only available publicly since 2000. His family got to be personal friends with the Lincolns.
  2. A Frenchwoman's Impressions of America: Part of the American Notes: Travels in America 1750-1920 collection, this book was written by two French noblewomen who came to America in 1918 during World War I to help raise funds with the "American Committee for Devastated France."
  3. Born in Slavery: Slave Narratives from the Federal Writers' Project, 1936-1938: Seventeen volumes of transcripts of oral history interviews conducted by the Works Progress Administration with surviving former slaves. Poignant. (Currently reading in volume 14 at page 92.)

Other items of interest:

  1. A Tcl/Tk book I need to get to add to my collection: Tcl/Tk - Programação Linux (Portuguese).
  2. Devlin's Angle: About time traces the history and development of our notion of time. This is a subject I've loved ever since realizing how Brazilian and American cultures treat time differently. For a great book-length treatement of this topic I recommend A Geography of Time: The Temporal Misadventures of a Social Psychologist, or How Every Culture Keeps Time Just a Little Bit Differently.
  3. Heretical Thoughts about Science and Society by Freeman Dyson. I need to buy his latest book.

—Michael A. Cleverly

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